A Year of Weeks
Written and Illustrated by Erica Root
Published by Running Press Books
I am so thrilled that A Year of Weeks is out in the world! To celebrate, I’ve created a couple of bonus pages for you. These activities are similar to what is in the book but each week is totally different and explores everything from practicing hand lettering, to staying mindful, to trying new foods, to designing home decor… and pretty much everything in between! Each week contains various topics and exercises to help you discover new hobbies, find new passions, reach personal milestones, and to keep your mind open to new ideas that you may not have thought to explore otherwise.
Editorial Reviews
I am beyond honored that Selma Blair, Lisa Congdon, Meera Lee Patel, and Lilla Rogers had such lovely things to say about the book. Unfortunately all of their kind words couldn’t fit but here’s what they had to say:
What a great idea. Erica's illustrations and insights together are so wonderfully digestible, whimsical, and peace- and curiosity-inducing. From the first time I saw Erica's work I saw her precious mind in the turn of a pencil stroke, her patience and humor, and that voice is right there in this book. Each activity and illustration gifts me a totally stress-free task to engage me further as a person, as a mom, as someone who wants to do more and is sometimes so overwhelmed by the wait and rush of this ride. This book makes me feel younger. Get it for yourself. And everyone you like. And a special one for someone you loathe. It's a win-win. ―Selma Blair, actor and activist
Sometimes our most inspired moments come from the simplest challenges. A Year of Weeks is chock full of weekly uncomplicated, fun exercises to wake up our creativity, think outside the box, and dream big. Stunningly illustrated and exquisitely hand-lettered, Erica Root’s own artistic style lends an encouraging backdrop to this book of weekly activities. ―Lisa Congdon, illustrator and author
A Year of Weeks encourages us to do a very simple but difficult thing: try something new every week. With engaging illustrations and thoughtful prompts, this journal inspires us to stretch ourselves each day—ensuring that by the end of the year, we've experienced the lessons and growth necessary to head into the next with confidence and an open heart. ―Meera Lee Patel, author of Create Your Own Calm, Start Where You Are, and My Friend Fear
I fell in love with this charming and motivating book. It's gorgeous, very cool, and Erica's warmth comes through in her step-by-step, innovative guide. ―Lilla Rogers, founder of Lilla Rogers Studio